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people:glen [2016-01-16 09:30] – Moving The Ctrl Key glenpeople:glen [2016-01-16 09:33] (current) glen
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-===== Inner Wiki links =====+===== Useful links =====
   * [[#PLD Linux VM Images]]   * [[#PLD Linux VM Images]]
   * [[|Moving The Ctrl Key]]   * [[|Moving The Ctrl Key]]
-  * [[:packages:pear|PEAR Info]]  
-  * [[|TLD Linux (former PLD Titanium) info]]  
-  * [[:docs:vserver|PLD Linux Vserver pages]]  
   * [[::developingpld|Developing PLD Linux]]    * [[::developingpld|Developing PLD Linux]] 
-  * [[:developingpld:acrequestsrules|AC builder notes]]  
-  * [[:developingpld:ackernelbuildernotes|building Ac kernel packages notes]]  
-  * [[:developingpld:thkernelbuildernotes|building Th kernel packages notes]]  
-  * [[:packages:anaconda|anaconda]]  
   * [[:developingpld:advanceddeveloping:fixingasneeded|fixing --as-needed]]    * [[:developingpld:advanceddeveloping:fixingasneeded|fixing --as-needed]] 
   * [[:people|user homepages in wiki]]    * [[:people|user homepages in wiki]] 
   * [[|cvs new account (in Polish)]]    * [[|cvs new account (in Polish)]] 
 +  * [[|]]  
 +  * [[|]]  
 +  * [[|]]  
 +  * [[|]] 
 ===== Some ideas to do in PLD Linux ===== ===== Some ideas to do in PLD Linux =====
Line 25: Line 21:
   * generate /etc/profile.env from /etc/env.d and make it possible to merge env from two different files.    * generate /etc/profile.env from /etc/env.d and make it possible to merge env from two different files. 
   * modularize rc-scripts, so the portions could be reused for example by initng.    * modularize rc-scripts, so the portions could be reused for example by initng. 
-===== links ===== 
-  * [[|]]  
-  * [[|]]  
-  * [[|]]  
-  * [[|]]  
 ===== Detect X application locale ===== ===== Detect X application locale =====
people/glen.txt · Last modified: 2016-01-16 09:33 by glen

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