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docs:man:timezone [2008-12-18 10:48] – always use upgrade mode install glendocs:man:timezone [2015-05-15 16:07] (current) glen
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 ====== Timezone ====== ====== Timezone ======
 Time zones are special settings, which are used to change Universal Time Clock (UTC) to a local time.  Time zones are special settings, which are used to change Universal Time Clock (UTC) to a local time. 
 What we need is to install a **tzdata** package.  What we need is to install a **tzdata** package. 
-<file># poldek -u tzdata+<file> 
 +# poldek -u tzdata
 </file> </file>
 Now edit the **/etc/sysconfig/timezone** file.  Now edit the **/etc/sysconfig/timezone** file. 
 </file> </file>
 Time zones can be found in **/usr/share/zoneinfo** folder.  Time zones can be found in **/usr/share/zoneinfo** folder. 
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 To apply changes - restart a timezone service  To apply changes - restart a timezone service 
-<file># service timezone restart+<file> 
 +# service timezone restart
 </file> </file>
 +===== Time Sync =====
 +If your host BIOS clock is terribly wrong, you can fix the date from Internet:
 +  * using ''rdate'', a rdate server from [[|here]]: <code>
 +[root@rescue /pld]# date
 +Sun Aug  3 03:35:46 CEST 2008
 +[root@rescue /pld]# rdate -s
 +[root@rescue /pld]# date
 +Fri May 15 16:03:19 CEST 2015
 +  * using ''ntpdate''
 +**NB!**: Don't forget to sync Hardware clock:
 +[root@rescue /pld]# hwclock                                                                                                                                                        
 +Sun Aug  3 03:39:30 2008  -0.720527 seconds
 +[root@rescue /pld]# hwclock --systohc
 +[root@rescue /pld]# hwclock           
 +Fri May 15 16:06:11 2015  -0.095274 seconds
 +[root@rescue /pld]# 
  [[:Docs:man| TOC]]   [[:Docs:man| TOC]] 
docs/man/timezone.txt · Last modified: 2015-05-15 16:07 by glen

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